Venerdì 6 Dicembre 2019 a partire dalle ore 10.00, presso l’Aula C del Centro Congressi Le Benedettine (piazza S. Paolo a Ripa D’Arno 16, Pisa) si svolgerà il convegno internazionale International Law in the Ancient Near East.
Il convegno rientra tra le attività del Dipartimento di Eccellenza, Sezione Mondo Antico.
- 10.00 – 10.30: Introduction
- 10.30 -11.00: J. Eidem (Pisa): International Law: Reflections on Origins and Trends in the Ancient Near East
- 11.30 – 12.00: C. Michel (Paris/Hamburg): Trade and Communication in the Old Assyrian Period
- 12.00 – 12.30: B. L. Lafont (Paris): The means of diplomacy at the time of the Amorite kingdoms (XVIIIth Century BC)
- 12.30- 13.00: J. Lauinger (Baltimore): “If you so desire, throw her into the sea!” Settling an International Dispute in Syria, ca. 1250 BC
- 13.00 – 13.30: S. de Martino (Torino): Designing Boundaries in the Late Bronze Age Near Eastern Countries: the Sources and the Actors.
- 13.30 – 15.00: Lunch
- 15.00 – 18.00: Closed workshop
Informazioni e contatti
Jesper Eidem – jesper.eidem@unipi.it