Mercoledì 18 dicembre 2019 a partire dalle ore 10:20 presso l’Aula C del Centro Congressi Le Benedettina (piazza S. Paolo a Ripa d’Arno 16, Pisa) si svolgerà il workshop internazionale Archaeology of the rise and fall of urban life in the Ancient Near East between steppes and highlands (late 4th to 2nd mill. BC). A comparative view.
Il workshop rientra tra le attività del Progetto di Eccellenza 2019, sezione Mondo Antico.
10:20 – Opening session
- Marilina Betrò (President of the MA Degree Course in “Near Eastern Studies: Egypt, Near and Middle East”)
- Anacleto d’Agostino (Università di Pisa) – Introduction
First session – Chair: Jesper Eidem
10:45 – Marcella Frangipane (Accademia dei Lincei e Fondazione Sapienza)
States without cities: different developments, types and degrees of urbanization in Greater Mesopotamia and Anatolia in the 4th and early 3rd millenium BC. The case of Arslandtepe
11:30 – Pascal Butterlin (Université Paris – Panthéon-Sorbonne)
From Uruk to Mari, urban growth along the Euphrates from the 4th to the 3rd millenium BC
12:15 – Augusta McMahon (University of Cambridge)
Living in cities in north and south Mesopotamia in the 4th-3rd millenia BC. Working, walking and viewing”
13:00 – Stefania Mazzoni (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Urban growth in North-Western Syria: the Late Chalcolithic premises”
Second session – Chair: Sara Pizzimenti
15:00 – Alexander Prub (Johannes Gutemberg – Universitat Mainz)
The circular settlements of the Jazirah steppes (kranzhugel) and their development in the 3rd millenium BC
15:45 – Christoph Bachhuber (University of Oxford)
Urban forms and processes in emerging state polities in Anatolia (ca 2500-1750 BC)
16:30 – Discussion – Chair: Giovanni Salmeri
Informazioni e contatti
Anacleto d’Agostino – anacleto.dagostino@unpi.it