Venerdì 6 marzo 2020 alle ore 10:30 presso l’Aula PAO D2 di Palazzo Carità (via Pasquale Paoli 15, Pisa), la prof.ssa Kyoko Amano (Università di Kyoto) terrà una conferenza dal titolo Diversity of Vedic ritual. Its different origins, innovations and the composition of the canons.
La conferenza rientra nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca PRA 2018-2019 “Spazi del sacro e loro evoluzione dall’antichità ad oggi”.
Discussants: Anna Anguissola (Pisa), Domitilla Campanile (Pisa), Tiziana Pontillo (Cagliari), Chiara Ombretta Tommasi (Pisa).
It is generally supposed that Vedic ritual was clearly categorised into śrauta ritual (official ritual in a large scale) and gṛhya ritual (private house ritual), and the śrauta ritual again into iṣṭi type (whose main act is offering of vegetable oblations) and soma type (whose main act is soma pressing and animal offering). These categorisations seem to have been established in the period of the śrauta-sūtras (ca 500-300BC), and the ritual studies have been applying these categorisations backwards to the study of the older ritual texts (Yajurveda-Saṁhitās ca 900-700BC and Brāhmaṇas ca 750-650BC). But a thorough examination of these texts reveals the original patterns of the Vedic rituals, which had been much less subject to normalisation, unification and categorisation. The Vedic ritual in the period of the Yajurveda-Saṁhitās showed a much higher degree of diversity originated from its different socio-cultural background. This produced the dynamics of the Vedic religion, which can be traced by the study of the composition of the texts, especially helped by the investigation of the language layers the texts include.