6-7 maggio 2021 – Joint Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Colloquium of the Universities of Kiel and Pisa

Giovedì 6 e venerdì 7 maggio 2021 si terrà colloquio il Colloquio per dottorandi e dottori di ricerca (Joint Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Colloquium of the Universities of Kiel and Pisa), organizzato in cooperazione dall’Università di Pisa e dall’Univeristà di Kiel.

Il colloquio si svolgerà su piattaforma Zoom e vedrà la partecipazione di dottorandi, dottori di ricerca e assegnisti del Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere.

Per partecipare:


Meeting-ID: 638 6594 8519

Kenncode: 691476


THURSDAY – May 6|2021


9:00 Introduction

9:15 Dr. Sara Lenzi, Pisa
Colours on Marble Sculptures: Some Notes about Gold, Egyptian Blue and Other Pigments

10:00 Dr. Simon Barker, Kiel
Marble Aesthetics at the House of the Stags, Herculaneum

10:45 – 11:00 break

Sanctuaries and Religion

11:00 Dr. Azzurra Scarci, Pisa/Mainz
Rediscovering Old Excavations: The Urban Sanctuary at Monte Casale in Southeastern Sicily and its Assemblage of Weapons

11:45 Hannah Renners, Kiel
Rural Sanctuaries in a ‚Colonial‘ Setting: A Case Study from Archaic Sicily

12:30 lunch break

14:00 Dr. Nicolas Lamare, Kiel
Ut nullus cum paganis festa celebret. Pagans, Christians, Cityscape, and Religious Practices in Late Antique North Africa (4th-6th c.)

City-Planning and Economy

14:45 Julia Heil, Kiel
Hellenistic City Foundations – Planning, Design and Transformations in Local and Regional Contexts

15:30 break

15:45 Dr. Claudia Sciuto, Pisa
Invisible Cities and Enduring Taskscapes. The Supply of Building Materials in Pisa between the 3rd Century BC and the Early Middle Ages

16:30 Nils Hempel, Berlin
Three Gates and their Vats. In Depth Comparison of Three Economic Spaces within the Pompeian Cityscape

FRIDAY – May 7|2021

Bathing Cultures

9:15 Julika Steglich, Kiel
The Thermo-Mineral Bath Kleopatra Güzellik Ilıcası (Pergamon): First Thoughts on Architectural Comparison

10:00 Anna-Lena Krüger, Kiel
The Urban Setting of Baths in Ostia

10:45 break


11:00 Dr. Alberto Cafaro, Pisa
The Head and Front of the Optimates: Q. Lutatius Catulus‘ Political Agenda in Late Republican Rome

11:45 Dr. Valentina Limina, Pisa
Political Factions, Myths, and Identity in Volterra. On the Perception of the Civil Wars in the 1st Century BC

12:30 lunch break

Images and Decoration

14:00 Anne-Sophie Dreßen, Kiel
To every Lid there is a Chest! Using Images as Connecting Elements to Reconstruct Roman Sarcophagi

14:45 Dr. Roberta Ferritto, Kiel
Beyond Functionality: Decorative Aspects of the Substructures of Roman Domestic Architectures

15:30 break

15:45 Dr. Taylor Lauritsen, Kiel
Hic Habitat Felicitas: Phallic Imagery in the Campanian Street

16:30 Prof. Dr. Annette Haug, Kiel
The Architectural and Decorative Setting of Public Eating and Drinking: Bars and Restaurants in Pompeii

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