9 Giugno 2021 – From clay figurines to craft figures: tracing producers’ technical and social background through multidisciplinary approaches


Locandina_FigurinesMercoledì 9 giugno 2021 dalle ore 9:00 su piattaforma Microsoft Teams si terrà l’incontro From clay figurines to craft figures: tracing producers’ technical and social background through multidisciplinary approaches.

Il seminario online, promosso dal progetto PROCESS – “Pharaonic Rescission: Objects as Crucibles of ancient Egyptian Societies (PI: Prof. Gianluca Miniaci, Università di Pisa), è un evento pubblico dedicato alle figurine di argilla come prezioso strumento per studiare chi le ha prodotte. Interverranno studiosi con esperienza nello studio di figurine provenienti da diversi contesti cronologici e culturali al fine, grazie a un approccio multidisciplinare, di promuovere il dibattito sull’argomento e d’identificare strategie di ricerca comuni, efficaci alla ricostruzione del background sociale e tecnico delle figure artigianali.

Per partecipare al seminario su Microsoft Teams, utilizzare il link: https://tinyurl.com/y7yzcuk4


From clay figurines to craft figures: tracing producers’ technical and social background through multidisciplinary approaches

The seminar, promoted by the project PROCESS – “Pharaonic Rescission: Objects as Crucibles of ancient Egyptian Societies (PI: Prof. Gianluca Miniaci, University of Pisa), is a public event dedicated to clay figurines as a valuable means to study their producers. It will bring together scholars with experience in the study of figurines from diverse chronological and cultural contexts, with particular attention to the application of multidisciplinary approaches in order to promote the debate on this topic and identify effective research strategies suitable for the reconstruction of the social and technical background of the craft figures.


Greetings and Introduction

Massimo Vidale
An innovative technique for reconstructing the chaîne opératoire of a late neolithic figurine

Elisabetta Starnini
In the beginning: anthropomorphic clay figurines in prehistoric Europe


Coffee break

Caterina De Vito, Laura Medeghini, Silvano Mignardi
Mineralogy and petrography as key drivers to understand the technological background of ancient people

Dennis Braekmans, Athena Van der Perre, Vanessa Boschloos, Hendrik Hameeuw
Skin-deep: chemical characterisation of unfired clay and innovative imaging techniques for the study of Egyptian execration figurines


Michelle Whitford
Understanding Egyptian shabti manufacture via morphology and elemental analyses

Gianluca Miniaci, Vanessa Forte,
Unravelling the makers: people and techniques behind the figurines of Lahun

Discussion and concluding remarks

Programma e abstract

scarica la locandina

Informazioni e contatti


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