Informazioni di supporto per studiosi/studenti UCRAINI – Rete SAR

L’Università di Pisa fa parte della rete Scholars at Risk (SAR), che ha diffuso alcune informazioni utili sulle iniziative di supporto verso studiosi/studenti ucraini in atto nei paesi europei, con la preghiera di diffondere e  segnalare le informazioni specifiche a colleghi/studenti ucraini che stanno cercando di uscire dal paese o di trovare assistenza nella fase di ricollocamento.

Help for Ukraine – ESU

  1. If you know of Ukrainian academics who are planning to travel through  Bucharest and are in need of help / support there may be some resources available at University of Bucharest. You can give them my contacts ( phone 0728942341) or they can use the info below.

At the University of Bucharest there are at least 40 rooms available for refugees and colleagues from Ukr (students/professors) who need temporary or long-term accommodation in Bucharest, transport from the border to Bucharest, translating documents, who want to continue their studies in Bucharest, etc. We are waiting for your messages at :

  1. Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania is ready to accommodate 50 teachers and 500 students from Ukraine in its dormitories and guest houses. If you know someone who is in need of this support
  2. The University of Tartu has established a scholarship fund to collect and channel donations to support the studies of Ukrainian students at the University of Tartu. Read more (and donate):
  3. ASEEES –
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