22 October 2024, 14:00 – 18:00
Gipsoteca di Arte Antica e Antiquarium, University of Pisa
Piazza San Paolo All’Orto 20, Pisa (Italy)
14:00 | Registration and Welcome Coffee
14:20 | Opening Remarks and Presentation by Institutional Authorities
Giuseppe Iannaccone – Deputy President, Coordinating Research and Innovation Activities, University of Pisa
Sonia Maffei – Department Head, Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge, University of Pisa
Francesco Marcelloni – Coordinator of Spoke 1, FAIR Project, University of Pisa
14:50 | Project Overview: Introduction to the AUTOMATA project goals and objectives
Gabriele Gattiglia – Project Coordinator, University of Pisa
15:20 | Presentation of the Consortium and Workflow
Antonio Bicchi – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Robotic automation system development (WP3-4)
Remy Chapouile – Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
Technologies for enriched digitisation and visualisation (WP5-6)
Riccardo Persichini – QBrobotics, Italy
Implementation and testing of the overall system (WP7)
Amala Marx – INRAP, France
Data Collection (WP8)
Ivan Tyukin – King’s College London, United Kingdom
AI-based recognition (WP9)
Holly Wright – University of York, United Kingdom
Data management and curation (WP10)
Gian Giuseppe Simeone – Culturelab, Belgium
Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation (WP10-11)
Leore Grosman – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Contribution to the phases of enriched digitisation, visualisation, and data collection
Ivan Radman – Archaeological Museum of Zagreb, Croatia
Contribution to the phases of data collection, testing, and communication
Nevio Dubbini – Miningful, Italy
Contribution to the phases of enriched digitisation, visualisation, and AI-based recognition
Jaume Buxeda I Garrigós – Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Contribution to the phases of data collection
17:20 | Carla Rocha Gomes – Project Officer, AUTOMATA, EU Commission
17:50 | The ECCCH Infrastructure: ECHOES Project
Paolo Cignoni – In charge of the CNR participation in the ECHOES project
Mailane Messias-Sampaio – Scientific Project Manager, ECHOES (CNRS)
18:15 | Group Photo
18:30 – 20:15 | Aperitif and Networking