Hiding behind a finger(print): exploring the makers through dermatoglyphic impressions | Progetto PROCESS

Nell’ambito del progetto “PROCESS – Pharaonic Rescission: Objects as Crucibles of ancient Egyptian Societies” (PRIN 2017) diretto dal Prof. Gianluca Miniaci, lunedì 29 novembre 2021, dalle ore 16:00, si terrà il seminario online “Hiding behind a finger(print): exploring the makers through dermatoglyphic impressions”.

Gli interessati potranno seguire il seminario su piattaforma Teams, nella seguente aula virtuale: https://tinyurl.com/egy2021

Per maggiori informazioni: process.miniaci@gmail.com


16:00 – 16:10
Greetings and Introduction

16:10 – 16:25
M. Králík, A. Arslan, L. Polcerová, L. Koníková
“Estimation of Biological Categories from Small and Non-standardized Fingerprints: Critical Notes and Perspectives”

16:25 – 16:30

16:30 – 16:45
A. Sanders, A. Burchill
“A New Statistical Approach for Archaeological” Fingerprints

16:45 – 16:50

16:50 – 17:10 Break

17:10 – 17:25
J. Kantner
“Division of Labor in the Ancient US Southwest: Potter Sex Identification and Implications”

17:25 – 17:30

17:30 – 17:45
K. Fowler
“Man the potter? Not so fast. The new potential of epidermal print research in archaeology”

17:45 – 17:50

17:50 – 18:05
V. Forte, G. Miniaci
“In search for the people of Lahun (Egypt, c. 1800 BC): fingerprints from the mud”

18:05 – 18:45
Discussion and concluding remarks

Programma e abstract

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