Operational equivalence and causal structure

Seminario di Gábor Hofer-Szabó

Giovedì 18 luglio 2024, alle ore 11:00 in Aula Sal 1 del Complesso ex-Salesiani, Gábor Hofer-Szabó (HUN-REN, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest) terrà il seminario dal titolo “Operational equivalence and causal structure”.


In this talk, I will explore some consequences of abandoning operational equivalence in quantum mechanics. Two measurements are operationally equivalent if they yield the same distribution of outcomes in every quantum state and hence are represented by the same operator. I will show that the ontological models for quantum mechanics — and more generally, for any operational theory — sensitively depend on which measurement we choose from the class of operationally equivalent measurements. To this goal, I will take first three examples — a classical theory, the EPR-Bell scenario and the Popescu-Rochrlich box; then realize each example by two different operational theories — one with a trivial and another with a non-trivial compatibility structure; and finally compare the ontological models for the different theories with respect to their causal structure, contextuality, and fine-tuning.

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Operational equivalence and causal structure

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