Evento di apertura del ciclo “Two Centuries of Pasteur”
Lunedì 24 ottobre 2022, alle ore 17:00 su piattaforma Google Meet, si terrà l’evento di apertura del ciclo di seminari online “Two Centuries of Pasteur”, organizzato in occasione del bicentenario pasteuriano da ResViva – Centro Interdipartimentale di epistemologia e storia delle scienze della vita, cui partecipa anche il Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere.
Il primo incontro sarà con Robert Bud, curatore emerito dello Science Museum di Londra, che terrà un seminario dal titolo “The Bernardian alternative: The IBPC, the materialist left and the questions of Life in the 1930s”.
The talk is an exploration of the association of an alternative model of ‘Life’ with a clearly articulated secularist position during the inter-war years. In 1927 the Institut Pasteur was complemented in Paris by another institute, inspired by the memory of Claude Bernard, the Institut de Biologie Physico-chemique. The leadership and many of the early members of the institute had well established and well-known political positions, several were leading Dreyfusards, associated with secularism and the Union Rationaliste, and leadership of several major Popular Front initiatives. They also had a strongly reductionist anti-vitalist programme.
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