Seminario di Bert Hansen per il ciclo Two Centuries of Pasteur
Giovedì 26 gennaio 2023, alle ore 17:00 su piattaforma Google Meet, Bert Hansen (Professor Emeritus of History, Baruch College – CUNY) terrà il seminario dal titolo “Understanding Pasteur’s Use of the Fine Arts and Popular Media”.
Il seminario è il terzo incontro del ciclo Two Centuries of Pasteur, organizzato in occasione del bicentenario pasteuriano da ResViva – Centro Interdipartimentale di epistemologia e storia delle scienze della vita, cui partecipa anche il Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere.
Building on documentation in his articles about Louis Pasteur and the fine arts, Hansen will present a new argument that Pasteur’s active efforts in the 1880s to gain publicity for his discoveries drew upon his experiences in the art world and had important effects on his scientific career and legacy.
Bert Hansen is Professor Emeritus of History (Baruch College of the City University of New York). He is author of Picturing Medical Progress from Pasteur to Polio: A History of Mass Media Images and Popular Attitudes in America (Rutgers University Press, 2009). His latest publications include: “Does Louis Pasteur Still Matter? Or will the scientist’s 200th birthday be his last soirée?” Distillations (November 2022) and “Pasteur’s Lifelong Engagement with the Fine Arts,” Annals of Science (2021), free with open access link.
More information about his research can be found at www.BertHansen.com (including pages of gay history and medical history documents).
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